Rabigh IWSPP is owned and operated by the Rabigh Arabian Water and Electricity Company (RAWEC); a Joint Venture between ACWA Power, Marubeni Corp, JGC Corporation, and Petro Rabigh. The project was constructed under an EPC contract by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and consists of a conventional thermal power with five 118MW steam turbines, nine 470 t/hr steam generators, three wet limestone Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) units and sixteen 504 m3/hr Reverse Osmosis (RO) trains.

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بيانات الاستدامة - نظرة عامة

ما مقدار البيانات المتوفرة لدى PETRO-RABIGH IWSPP على؟

قارن أداء استدامة PETRO-RABIGH IWSPP