Estithmar Holding Q.P.S.C

Estithmar Holding is a Qatari public listed company with a diverse portfolio of 51 companies operating in 5 strategic business sectors; healthcare, services, ventures, contracting and industries. The company has a strong track-record of growth and profitability, and is well-governed with a lean, optimized team that delivers quality in record time. With 91 nationalities and 30,000 employees, Estithmar Holding is committed to a customer-centric culture that makes it the go-to company in Qatar and beyond. Estithmar Holding's future plans include geographic expansion, with a presence in Saudi Arabia and the Maldives, as well as diversification into new sectors. The company is committed to ESG principles and seeks to balance economic growth with social responsibility and environmental stewardship

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قارن أداء استدامة Estithmar Holding Q.P.S.C