Unibeton is the leading ready mix solution provider in GCC with the most extensive material testing capabilities in the region to ensure full compliance with the most stringent specifications. Being the pioneers in the realm of Self Compacting Concrete and Green Concrete , UNIBETON has an excellent track record in the construction industry in GCC region including UAE, KSA and has offices in India, Turkey, Oman, Morocco, Kazakhstan and South Korea. UNIBETON is the nominated supplier for many mega projects all over the GCC, and is considered for international projects all over the world (Panama, Kuwait, Turkmenistan, Peru, Malaysia etc.). Globally renowned for its efficiency and demand-response system, UNIBETON’s unparalleled growth is recognized by numerous prestigious global accolades like Stevie Awards based on the Excellence Model of the European Foundation for Quality Management, Dubai Quality Appreciation Award, Dubai MRM Business Award, Shaikh Khalifa Award etc, which only a handful of international manufacturers across the globe can be proud of.
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